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The role of the tutorials is to provide a platform for a more intensive scientific exchange amongst researchers interested in a particular topic and as a meeting point for the community. Tutorials complement the depth-oriented technical sessions by providing participants with broad overviews of emerging fields. A tutorial can be scheduled for 1.5 or 3 hours.

Tutorial proposals are accepted until:

January 17, 2025

If you wish to propose a new Tutorial please kindly fill out and submit this Expression of Interest form.


Tutorial on Enrich Data Analytics with GenAI  (BIOSTEC)
Instructor : Stefan Helfrich

Tutorial on
Enrich Data Analytics with GenAI


Stefan Helfrich
Brief Bio
Dr. Stefan Helfrich is responsible for academic relations at KNIME. Before, he worked as a Bioimage Analyst at the University of Konstanz, supporting users of the local light microscopy facility with image and data analysis tasks. Already during that time, he realized that it is crucial to build up the right set of skills for researchers, becoming his major motivation to teach data literacy skills (using KNIME).

Learn how to enrich data analytics with GenAI without writing a line of code. During this tutorial, we will explore an outlier detection use case and exploit the multi-language capabilities of GenAI to automatically generate custom alert messages.

You will become familiar with the free low-code tool KNIME Analytics Platform, techniques for outlier detection, and the use of GenAI via the KNIME AI Extension (Labs). We will discuss multiple GenAI services and providers, including OpenAI, GPT4All, Hugging Face, Chroma, FAISS, and more.

Keywords: Data Analytics, Low-Code, GenerativeAI, Outlier Detection, Data Apps

Aims and Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to build workflows with KNIME Analytics Platform
- Detect outliers visually and using statistical techniques - Prompt engineer an LLM via the OpenAI integration
- Create a vector store from a corpus of different types of documents (the knowledge base)
- Build and deploy a data app to display alerts and make it available to users on the web

Target Audience: Users who are interested in low-code tools for data analytics.

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience: No coding is required. Please bring your laptop with KNIME Analytics Platform and the KNIME AI Extension (Labs) already installed.

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